Azza Mrabet ServiceNow Certified System Administrator member of N2 Help & solutions freelance collective

Azza Mrabet: ServiceNow Certified System Administrator

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Azza is one of more than 50 freelance consultants who are experts in ServiceNow & ESM and currently comprise the N2 Help & Solutions collective. Learn about her profile through this interview:

Who are you, where are you from and how did you start your journey as a freelancer?

My name is Azza Mrabet. I am originally from Tunisia but I have been living in France for over 15 years. I am a computer science engineer and I have a 3-year-old boy. After gaining experience in various IT companies, I made the decision to become a freelancer for two main reasons: to have a flexible work schedule and the ability to work remotely from any location. My first client was a consulting firm in Québec, Canada.

How did you hear about N2, and since you joined, what are the main benefits you’ve seen?

About a year ago, Nicolas Delaby reached out to me on LinkedIn regarding a project with N2 in Luxembourg. I was drawn to his vision of creating a community of freelancers where we can collaborate, support one another, and share knowledge.

Can you share a concrete experience of a project or collaboration you’ve experienced within the N2 community?

I am currently working on a ServiceNow project for a bank in Luxembourg. It is a transformation project that aims to change the mindset of several departments within the bank.

What makes the N2 community different from other freelance networks?

Transparency and knowledge sharing set N2 apart from other freelance networks. Personally, I feel supported and know that if I have any doubts or need advice, I can rely on good support.

What advice would you give to someone interested in joining the N2 community?

By joining N2 Help & Solutions, you’ll become part of a community of freelancers who will support and motivate you throughout your journey. For more information, it would be best to reach out to Myriam Allouche, N2 people manager, and have a chat with her.

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