Legal Notice and General Terms of Website Use
Legal notices
You are currently connected to the website, which is owned by N2 and governed by the general terms of use set out below.
N2 Help & Solutions
14 Rue du Village
L-8813 Bigonville Luxembourg
A limited liability company under Luxembourg law (“Société à Responsabilité Limitée – SARL”)
Whose intra community VAT number is LU32027654
General terms of website use
Use of the website entails full and complete acceptance of the general terms of use described below.
These terms of use may be amended or supplemented at any time, therefore users of the website are encouraged to check them regularly.
Website access
N2 strives to provide users with constant access to the website However, N2 is not liable for potential service disruptions, grid outages or access restrictions.
Furthermore, N2 may decide to suspend the service for technical maintenance, in which case it will strive to inform users in advance regarding dates and times of such intervention.
Object of the website
The website aims to present N2, its activities and its range of services.
N2 is committed to providing information that is as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, it cannot be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in updates, whether of its own doing or on the part of third parties providing the information concerned.
The information on the website, be it of a general or specific nature, is provided for information purposes only. It has no contractual value and does not in any way constitute legal or personal advice.
Users are solely responsible for any decision made based on information contained on the website
Intellectual property
All information and material appearing on the pages of the website is the intellectual property of N2 or is under licence and/or protected by copyright.
Unless otherwise specified, users are allowed to consult, download and print available documents and information. These rights constitute an authorization for use and are in no way a transfer of rights, property or otherwise regarding the website
Moreover, any reproduction, depiction, modification, publication, adaptation, in whole or in part, of the elements of the website, regardless of the method or process used, is prohibited, unless prior written permission is granted by N2.
Personal data
N2 does not collect personal data pertaining to users of the website except as needed for certain services proposed by the website (e.g. subscribing for newsletters).
Users provide this information with full knowledge of all the considerations involved, especially when entering the data themselves.
Users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the “General Personal Data Protection Policy” to find out about the commitments made by N2 towards protecting personal data.
The website may contain links to other sites that could be useful or of interest to users.
N2 does not exert any control over the content of these websites. As such, the company cannot be held liable for the content shown on the said websites, either as regards their legality or the accuracy of the documents and information found thereon, as well as any consequences that could arise from their use.
The website is available in several languages.
In the event of a contradiction between the website’s French version and the version in another language, only the French version is legally valid.
Applicable law and competent jurisdictions
The contents of the website are subject to Luxembourg law.
Any legal dispute regarding access, contents or use of the website falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.