
How did we manage to implement Gomint on our website?

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What do you think of the “Expert” section of our website?

It displays the NFTs of certified members of the N2 community. Through these NFTs, they are officially members of our decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). If you don’t know yet, N2 is a global community of over 50 ServiceNow expert freelancers. We are also the first decentralized freelancer community hosted by the Hashgraph Hedera. We are continuously trying to improve and update our website for our users, adding features and additional services to enhance their experience.

If you have any questions about our operations, please visit our About section or contact us directly.

GoMint Integration for N2

We love the result. And you?

So, we decided to integrate the WordPress plugin GoMint which uses the Hedera API to display these NFTs. During its integration, we encountered some minor difficulties, such as website caching management. Indeed, the new NFTs were not immediately visible due to two levels of caching. We wanted to display the most recent NFTs as soon as they were created. Fortunately, Alex Taylor, the co-founder of GoMint, personally came to our aid and assisted us in the complete installation of this plugin.

The GoMint plugin allows WordPress sites to easily display the details of any Hedera NFT collection. This technology also simplifies several complex API calls into one and manages the IPFS cache to ensure that the most up-to-date information is displayed.

If you would like to know more about GoMint and their project, visit their website: https://www.gomint.co/.

We would like to thank Alex Taylor and his colleagues again for their assistance and support. We also invite you to contact him if you want to benefit from a service to display your Hedera NFTs on your WordPress site.

To conclude, I was delighted to participate in this integration project. I am convinced that the result, both on mobile and on desktop, will please our current and future users. We hope that this will allow them to navigate our website more easily and to enjoy the additional services we offer, while staying informed and connected to the N2 community.

And you? What do you think of the result?

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