How to create your first account with HashPack

How to create your free wallet with HashPack

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Creating a HashPack wallet is simple, free, and allows you to connect to the Hedera ecosystem. With your HashPack wallet, you can:

HashPack is a “non-custodial wallet” (a wallet where you own and control the private keys). Your data is securely encrypted on your device and is never transmitted over the internet or stored on a server. This means that HashPack cannot reactivate your account if you lose your 24-word mnemonic phrase or your private key. Protect them and do not share them with anyone.

Freelancers in the N2 community use the HashPack wallet to store their own NFTs. With it, they can attest to their professional experience to their clients.

Do you want to create a personal Hedera account with HashPack? Here is a simple tutorial in 3 steps.

Create a HashPack wallet in 3 steps

1. Install HashPack wallet

To start, install your wallet in your preferred browser or on your device. To do this, download the extension or application from the official website.

Then, create your main password. As explained above, this password is securely encrypted on your device and is never transmitted over the internet.

If you want to access the Hedera Hashgraph on multiple browsers and devices, you will need to create a new password for each of them. Indeed, to ensure your security, HashPack does not allow connection to the same account on multiple devices.

Once you have chosen a password containing a minimum of 12 characters, check the box to accept the terms of use and the HashPack data protection policy. Click the “next” button to move on to the next step.

2. Create a wallet and set up your mnemonic phrase

Click the “create new wallet” button to create your new HashPack wallet.

How to create your account with HashPack 2

Then, you will see 24 words appear. These words make up your mnemonic phrase (seed phrase). It is a special type of password that allows you to identify yourself when logging into your account.

Write this phrase down on a piece of paper and keep it in a secure place. Warning, if you lose this phrase, HashPack will not be able to send it to you again, and you will lose access to your account if you forget your main password. If you store this phrase safely, your wallet is secure.

Then, click the “next” button.

How to create your account with HashPack 3

You will then have to complete the missing words by using the paper on which you previously wrote down your 24-word phrase.

With this additional step, the service provider ensures that you have correctly noted your mnemonic phrase.

How to create your account with HashPack 4

3. Finalize the creation of your wallet

You have reached the last step of this tutorial. You can choose a name to identify your wallet. Even though this step is optional, it is highly recommended as it will help you better recognize your account.

How to create your account with HashPack 5

To finish, HashPack will offer you one last time to save your account information, such as:

  • Your wallet identifier (account ID). Use this key to send, receive or pay with HBAR.
  • Your mnemonic phrase
How to create your account with HashPack 6
How to create your account with HashPack 7

To complete your registration, check the box “I have read this information and understand that my account cannot be recovered without it”. By doing this, you will confirm that you have securely stored your mnemonic phrase. Always keep this key safe and do not share it with anyone.

Once you are ready, click the “done” button.

Congratulations! Congratulations! You have created your first account with HashPack. Start by transferring money or buying HBAR with Banxa and MoonPay by clicking the “Buy Hbar” button. If you need help or more information about account creation, join HashPack on Discord (in English).

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